March 2024 Investor Day Recap

Investment Portfolio Differentiators

Carefully Constructed


Balanced Portfolio


Strong Credit Quality


Seasoned Assets


Economic Interests1

$3.4 Billion

(1) Reflects our investments held on balance sheet that we directly own and our economic interests in securities we own in securitizations we consolidate in accordance with GAAP (and excludes the assets within these consolidated securitizations that appear on our balance sheet).

Organically Created2 vs. Third-Party Purchased

(2) “Organically Created” refers to investments created through Redwood’s Residential and Business Purpose Mortgage Banking businesses.

Primers and White Papers

See White Papers that Redwood leadership has crafted, sharing our thoughts on trends in the housing market and our investments broadly.

View White Papers

Additional Resources

Visit our blog, or view additional news articles for more information about our company.

View Resources


Source: Redwood Trust, Inc. data as of June 30, 2024.

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